Can A Million Dollars Keep You Comfortable For The Rest Of Your Life?
Before you can become a millionaire you have to think like one!
The blessing of the Lord maketh rich and he adds no sorry with it. Proverbs 10:22
I remember when we would spend $50 on groceries and our shopping cart would run over with grocery bags. Today you spend $50 on groceries, and everything will fit in one bag. We are spending more money on the same items, with less packaging, and less quality, from food to technology. Higher prices are everywhere.
They say inflation has passed, but everyone isn’t reaping the benefits. There still is a segment of people in this country from all ethnic backgrounds, white, black, Hispanic, educated, intellectual, gay, and others, across the board, who are not benefiting from this new economy. People are hungry.
Not just in the I want something to eat sense but also the hunger from the I want to be able to provide for my family and have peace of mind sense, I want a positive sense, I want not to have to worry every month about bills sense, and I want fun sense.
No wonder a huge amount of people are playing the lottery. Most people feel that if they win at least a cool million they would be able to live comfortably. “They believe that all their…