Do You Realize There Is No Winning In Giving Up?

It Won’t Happen Over Night, But if you Quit it won’t happen At All.

Beverly Bowman
2 min read6 days ago
Photo by Fauxels on Pixels

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

“Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” And you know this! So what would make you want to consider giving up on yourself or your dreams? I mean what would you do if you stopped pursuing your dreams? “Why would you like to stop pursuing your dreams? If you were to stop, what would you do, be miserable? Where’s the fun in that?”

One thing I have learned throughout my life, anything worth having isn’t going to be easy. Why should it be? When we go through the trials and tribulations that come with pursuing our dreams and aspirations without the struggles that come with the pursuit, we won’t appreciate the outcome that is referred to as success or achievement.

How can we win if we allow ourselves to be defeated because we decided to give up?

  • It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.
  • When you give up you are saying you don’t believe in yourself.
  • Never let anyone or anything stop you from living your best life.
  • When you believe in yourself you are opening the door for…



Beverly Bowman

I write to inspire others as well as myself. If I can make some money along the way, I see that as another form of inspiration.