Enjoying The Fruits Of Your Labor!
“Everyone also to whom God has given wealth and possessions and power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and rejoice in his toil — this is a gift of God.” So, yes, the gift of possessions and the power to enjoy them is a gift of God. Ecclesiastes 5:19
It’s funny how God created man and man then in turn acts like he knows more than God. I heard someone say success is not a gift, it comes from working hard. Without the gifts that God has blessed us with, there would be no hard work or success.
It always baffles me when people don’t realize everything good in their life comes from God. Some people can’t or won’t realize that their gifts and talents have come from God, not themselves.
The Bible says that God expects us to work hard not to take from others who also have worked hard. In other words, please don’t steal from someone who has worked hard for what they have. “He wants us to work hard and earn our to share with others.” After all, that’s what this blessing thing is all about blessed to be a blessing. You Didn’t Know?
Why is it being said that we should labor but don’t enjoy the fruits?
When you talk to some people who have cultural and religious beliefs you find they believe that work should be seen as a duty or a means to contribute to society rather than a source of…