Why Are You Waiting To Be Happy? Be Happy While You Are Waiting!

For every minute you are angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness

Beverly Bowman
3 min read4 days ago
Photo by Guilherme Almedia on Pexels

Happy are the people whose God is the Lord. Palms 144:15

We all want to be happy, but sometimes finding happiness can be difficult. Society often promotes the idea that happiness equates to material wealth and public recognition. Some believe that success, money, or social status will bring you happiness.

In some instances that might be true for a short period. Just as soon as we get that material thing that we thought we couldn’t be happy without, our attention span goes off because we have our eye on the next big material thing that we believe will make us happy.

Or maybe becoming successful will make you happy at least that is what you tell yourself. Yeah, until you achieve it. It’s another temporary fix. It is lonely at the top.

Why do we depend on things or situations to be right before we can be happy? What makes us think that other people should determine our level of happiness? I have heard some people say I will be happy when I get that promotion.

Does that mean you will be unhappy for the rest of your life if the promotion never comes? When you start treating me better then I will be happy. What…



Beverly Bowman

I write to inspire others as well as myself. If I can make some money along the way, I see that as another form of inspiration.https://beeready315.medium.com/su